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IDMC Easter Tour 2012 IDMC set out on its first Easter season tour in a long while, with 7 dates over 10 days. The group which was made up of 8 singers and a 4 piece band travelled to Yeovil, Mine head, Gloucester, London, Skegness, Chatham and back to Mine head, covering over 1500 miles.   Many of these areas were places the choir had never been before, and were areas where gospel choirs were heard of, seen on TV, but never seen in the

Saturday morning 7th April and the IDMC crew are all packed and ready to move. We had a productive preparation period, and feel ready to be a blessing. Going to church on Good Friday was such an inspiration, and John had the privilege to lead worship, and received a powerful word which was great preparation for the concerts ahead.   The tour team are all part of the senior IDMC crew, and so will create a great musical backdrop to the Easter season. The tour party

Well, John and the South London IDMC Crew showed their passports at London Bridge, and headed North, while Rhoda Morson and Chloe came in from the West and Nathan from the East and we all converged on NTCG Cathedral Of Praise, Woodgreen for their monthly Praise night. Numbers wise at the start was quiet but as the sun went down the numbers swelled to make a good-sized attendance. Sound checks went well with the IDMC team working things out, and the band settling