John Prepares for Schools gospel singing workshops
Now that we are getting into the spring season, and if IDMC’s 18th anniversary schedule wasn’t enough for John to be getting on with, John and some of the IDMC crew will be planning and preparing for its spin-off organisation “We Sing U Sing” to deliver gospel choir workshops to schools in and around the south London area.
This years sees a special emphasis on the Olympics as London prepares for its big year, John and the team will be preparing the children to be the best they can be for this massive musical gala evening.
The project will see 10 schools and after groups get involved with this event which is now in it 5th year.
The project Starts just after Easter and will run for 12 weeks ending in a massive concert at the Fairfield Halls, Croydon in the first week in July
The project will see a 500 piece choir and a 10 piece band, lead by IDMC musical director Andre Fisher.
The date for this event will be published shortly.
For more information contact us or visit the We Sing U Sing websit www.wesingusing.org.uk