Premier Gospel Radio Awards 2018
Did someone say Gospel Choir of the year!!!
Yes, Yes, Yaaaassss! The rumours are true! IDMC had the pleasure of taking receipt of the Premier Gospel Radio award for Choir of the Year 2018 at what was only the third Premier Gospel Awards ceremony.
The star-studded event took place at the new flagship venue in Croydon – Trinity Baptist Church, Oasis House, where anticipations and expectations were running high.
The explosively labelled ceremony brought out some of the biggest names in the UK Gospel scene. Legendary artists such as London Community Gospel choir and newer guests as Faith Child and Becca Folkes provided live performances on the night. The awards were hosted by Lady T and Theo Manderson from Premier Gospel.
The venue was packed full of gospel music supporters from all both sides of the track.
Maulin and Courtney were present and correct to represent John and the choir as he was unable to attend the ceremony. As the evening progressed, the pair joked about what they would say if IDMC were to win but they both kind of put it out of their minds as IDMC for so many years been the bridesmaid, never the bride!
The moment arrived for the winner of Gospel Choir of the Year to be announced. Adaeze and Uzoma read out the nominees….and the winner is IDMC!!!! The building erupted with massive cheers, however Maulin and Courtney remain seated, jaws dropped and looking slightly aghast, Maulin turns to Courtney and asks, “Did I just hear right?!”
As the shock rescinded both made it to the podium very nervous. Maulin gave a short thank you and left Courtney to add a bit more meat to the bones for the rest of the speech.
When John learnt of the good news he remarked jokingly “I told them to have something ready!!!” and added “We are all very proud of IDMC’s achievements over the past twelve months and want to work harder to share the gift we call gospel music to the world”.
Catch the full acceptance interview here
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