John to start Community Gospel Choir in the Croydon area
As part of IDMC’s 18th anniversary, John will be doing a number of Gospel choir workshops around the country, but will start a perminent Community workshop Gospel choir in the Croydon area.
For many years, friends and fans of IDMC have been asking for a workshop choir, and now here it is.
Ever wanted to sing and learn how to sing in a gospel choir, but felt you were not good enough, well here is your chance. No experience needed. it will be a non religious, non denominational, all for fun. The only credentials you need is a great sense of humour and love singing, whether in tune or out of tune, all are welcome.
John is an award-winning vocal tutor with over 20 years of experience leading choirs, conducting workshops in the UK, Europe and the Caribbean, and will take every student on a gospel musical journey.
There are many community choirs out there, doing what they do, but there are only a few “PROPER GOSPEL CHOIR TUTORS” and we have an award-winning one right here in “CROYDON”
So much more to tell, but more updates soon.
Free taster session will be just after Easter, dates will be released soon.
to pre-register and secure your place, just send us your details and we will contact you to confirm.